Monday, August 9, 2010

Winrar tutorial

WinRAR is a freeware utility for compressing and decompressing groups of files for archival purposes. Supported on just about every operating system, WinRAR provides a universal solution for any desktop user on any type of machine.


  1. To decompress a RAR or ZIP file using winrar double-click on the icon of the archive you want to view. If WinRAR is installed it will automatically open and decompress the file. You can also open the file in WinRAR or right-click the file and choose "Extract To..." to choose a specific location to extract the archive to if you don't want it decompressing into a folder on your desktop.
  2. Compressing and Archival

  3. Archiving is made easy with WinRAR as well and it comes with two options for quickly compressing batches of files. You can either select a large grouping of files while in your file manager, right-click the grouping, and choose "Create an Archive". The other option is to select the files and with WinRAR open to drag and drop them into the application. If you are looking to send a larger archive through e-mail you can choose to break up the archive by selecting the size of each file you would like when you are prompted to enter a name for the archive.
  4. Support and Features

  5. WinRAR is typically associated with the RAR file extension that is used for media files but WinRAR also supports ZIP files and a myriad other file types. WinRAR also provides a utility for making installation programs that look professional so if you are building a package that needs to be distributed to a large group of people you can make an installation file with the commercial version of WinRAR.
How do I archive files with WinRAR?

First, you need to run WinRAR. Double-click or press Enter on the WinRAR icon. You can also start it from the Windows "Start menu": under "Programs" then "WinRAR" and then run the "WinRAR" item.
When WinRAR is running, it displays a list of files and folders in the current folder. You need to go to the folder, which contains files to archive. You may use Ctrl+D, the disks list below the toolbar or click on the small disk icon in the bottom left corner, to change the current disk. Press BS, Ctrl+PgUp, small "Up" button below the toolbar or double-click on the folder named ".." to go to the parent folder. Press Enter, Ctrl+PgDn or double-click on any other folder to enter that folder. Ctrl+ will set the root disk folder as the current folder.
When you have entered the folder with the desired files, select the files and folders, which you are going to archive. This may be achieved by using Shift + arrow keys or the mouse as in Windows Explorer and other Windows programs. It is also possible, in WinRAR, to select files using the Space or Ins keys. "Gray +" and "Gray -" keys on the numeric keypad allow the selection of groups of files using file masks.
Having selected one or more files, click on the Add button at the top of the WinRAR window, press Alt+A or select the "Add files to archive" command in the Commands menu. Enter the destination archive name in the dialog box which appears or simply accept the default name. You may select, in this dialog, the format of the new archive (RAR or ZIP), compression level, volume size and other archiving parameters. This dialog is described in detail in the Archive name and parameters dialog topic. Click on the OK button when you are ready to create the archive.
During the archiving process, a window will be displayed showing operation statistics. If you wish to break the archiving process, click on the Cancel button in the command window. You may press the "Background" button in this window to minimize WinRAR to the tray. When archiving is completed, the command window disappears and the newly created archive becomes the currently selected file.
It is also possible to add files, to an existing RAR archive, using drag-and-drop. Select the desired archive in the WinRAR window and press Enter (or double click) on its name. RAR will read the archive and display its contents. You may now add files to the archive by simply dragging them from another program and dropping them to WinRAR.
How do I extract files with WinRAR?

In order to extract a file using WinRAR in the shell mode you must first open the required archive in WinRAR. This may be achieved in one of several ways:
  • double-click or press Enter on the archive name in the Windows shell (Explorer or Desktop). If WinRAR was associated with archives during installation (the default installation option), an archive will be opened in WinRAR. You also may associate WinRAR with archives after installation using the Integration settings dialog;
  • double-click or press Enter on the archive name in the WinRAR window;
  • drag-and-drop an archive to the WinRAR icon or window. Before doing this ensure that WinRAR does not already display another archive, otherwise the dropped archive will be added to the currently displayed archive;
  • run WinRAR from the command line with a single parameter - the archive name.
When an archive is opened in WinRAR, its contents are displayed. Select files and folders, which should be extracted. You may do this by using the Shift + arrow keys or Shift + left mouse button as in Windows Explorer and other Windows programs. Also in WinRAR it is possible to select files using the Space or Ins keys. "Gray +" and "Gray -" keys on the numeric keypad allow the selection of groups of files using file masks.
Having selected one or more files, click the Extract To button at the top of the WinRAR window or press Alt+E , enter the destination folder in the dialog box and click OK. This dialog box also offers a few advanced options (see the Extraction path and options dialog for more information).
During the extraction process, a window will be displayed showing operation statistics. If you wish to break the extraction process, click on the Cancel button in the command window. You may press the "Background" button in this window to minimize WinRAR to the tray. If the extraction is completed without errors, WinRAR will return to the shell, in case of an error, a Diagnostic message window will be displayed.

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